Today's message from Wisdom for Living:
Hello Church Family,
Many things seem like anchors for us in our lives. We look to our family, careers, money, success, certain individuals, our upbringing or our goals in life to be stability for us. Oftentimes, though, things change - by choice or by something beyond our control. Even though God does provide us earthly comfort through relationships, the very pillars in our lives can change. Nevertheless, God has positioned Himself as your anchor, knowing that He is the changeless One. He is the anchor for your soul!
Anchor: something to provide stability and steadiness through rough waters
Soul: mind, will and emotions
Hebrews 6:13-end declare unto us the two promises that God says can anchor your mind, will, and emotions.
Promise number one:
- Hebrews 6:13 - end
Men look for something greater or more important and swear by that thing to give confidence to the person they are in agreement with. Well, God couldn't find someone greater, so He swore by Himself!
Promise number two: God is not a man and cannot lie.
- Numbers 23:19-20 He blesses and can't reverse it!
Many times I have made promises and have not keep them, or I have lied to protect myself in my past. However, when God declares a thing, it must come to pass! You can take comfort that if God has promised it, God will fulfill it.
As you go through this week, know that what God promised to Abraham was, in turn, promised to Abraham's Seed, which is Christ: Galatians 3:15-18, 26-29
The bible declares that we are in Christ and,therefore, heirs of promise and not of the law.
- you earned nothing, but by faith you receive everything
Let God's promises anchor your soul (mind, will and emotions). Line your soul up with the Word and take comfort with these two promises of God. Let the Word remind you of Who is your Anchor!
Blessings and Love,
Pastor Art
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